NY Harbor SEALs Civic Science Monitoring Team Mission Statement: Our purpose is to bring together student Civic Scientists to monitor the health of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, educate the public, and create the conditions to help bring the harbor seal back to NYC.
What is the Marine Debris Recovery or “Rip-Rap” project?
- The Rip-Rap project is a weekly procedure led by the seniors of the program where we do data collection, analysis, and environmental cleanup.
- The goal of the Rip-Rap project is that with the data that we collect we can capture a better idea of what kind of detritus washes up on the Rip-Rap.
- Once we have that we can provide evidence to make laws that will protect our marine environment and our second goal is to simply reduce the amount of waste in NYC.
View Marine Debris quantitative data here.
View Phys-Chem data here.
View 2022 report here.
News Articles 01 & 02.
Million thanks to our partners and sponsors: Earth Matter, Con Edison, Rozalia Project, Billion Oyster Project, Governors Island Trust, Hudson River Foundation, LES Ecology Center, & NYC Department of Education – New York Harbor School.

This project was originally conceived by Marisa Dedominicis from Earth Matter! Go Earth Matter!