05. WBL


Work-Based Learning

“The term ‘work-based learning’ means coordinated, sequenced, and scaled applied learning opportunities for students that are integrated with academic and technical coursework, including but not limited to service-learning projects, mentorships, job shadowing, school enterprises, internships, and apprenticeships, including virtual apprenticeships.”

The New York Harbor School’s Marine Biology Research Program (MBRP) provides Work-based learning (WBL) experiences to its students in the 10 through 12th grades through the SEA WORKS Program. WBL gives our marine scholars opportunities to study complex subject matter as well as vital workplace skills in a hands-on environment. WBL experiences also provide students with career awareness, career options exploration, appropriate workplace skills development, and the opportunity to relate academic skills to real-life applications.

Some WBL activities appropriate for every grade level are: self-assessments, work skills employability development, guest speaker visits to the classroom, career fairs, job site tours, job shadowing, work with professional mentors on research projects, and internships. Internships are considered the pinnacle of the WBL spectrum.

As students see the connections between their lab/field work and what is required at the work site, they gain an understanding of the importance of learning and are able to make better decisions about their futures.


Career Development & Management

Follow the STEPS below in order to help determine your college and career of choice and get started with your Work-Based Learning Experience:

Step 01 – Assess yourself for your strengths, weaknesses, and Career DNA. Take type tests and get suggestions for a possible career based on this information (Holland Occupational Themes or Careertest.net).

Step 02 – Keep your Work Skills Employability Profile updated with all your latest achievements in the Marine Biology Research Program.

Step 03 – Get your working documents in order. Get your working papers with the Principal’s Secretary or the Guidance Counselors. Working papers require a doctor’s consultation so make sure you pay attention to the announcements indicating when the doctor will be coming to the school building.

Documentation to support I-9

  • Non-citizens: Permanent Resident Card or Employment Authorization
  • Social Security Card (must be signed)
  • Second ID with photo (if over 18)
  • Working Papers (if under 18)

Step 04 – With your Career DNA Profile (Step 01) in hand, explore detailed information on available careers in your area of interest at Onet, Career Zone, DOL: Youth, and/or CareerOneStop. You can also play Career Jeopardy. To top off this Step, take the virtual internship experience at XtremeInternship.com.

Step 05 – Schedule a meeting with the Work-Based Learning Coordinator (WBLC) to complete a Career Plan and determine your employability strengths, areas that need improvement, and goals. Use the NYS Youth Portal for valuable WBL tools like writing a resumé or preparing for a job interview.

Step 06 – Develop a resumé, cover letter, and ePortfolio. View the ePortfolio presentation, an ePortfolio example, and the rubric. For tools on creating your ePortfolio click here. You can use Naviance to upload resumés and cover letters among other college & career development tools.

Step 07 – Explore internship sites hereCareer Zone, and CareerOneStop.

Step 08 – Once you know where you want to complete your Work-Based Learning experience (i.e. internship, job shadow, etc.),  download and digitally fill out the SIF 01 and SIF 02 forms. The SIF 01 form should be downloaded from the CSS system (ask your instructor for more details). The SIF 02 can be downloaded at the WBLRC WIKI (Type in “SIF 2” and follow the links to the latest version of the SIF 02 form). In order to complete the training plan portion of the SIF 02 you must meet with the WBL Coordinator and your mentor. Once completed, get them signed. Finally, print out the WBL Internship Guide and secure an interview with the WBL Coordinator. Make sure to bring your I-9 information (Step 02).

Step 09 – With the WBLC’s OK, you can go to WBL Resource Center (WBLRC) to “onboard.”

Step 10 – You can not start working until you’ve been cleared. The WBLRC will send you an e-mail stating you are clear to work. There will also be more information on that e-mail that you must download in order to successfully submit time sheets. Make sure you submit time sheets every two weeks to the WBLC or the mailbox in the main office by the due dates that have been announced. Ask your instructor for more details. For permitted working hours for minors click here.


Internship Partners:

Host Site Parameters Form

Columbia University – LEEFS Program

Manhattan College

Roger Williams University – Summer Marine Biology Camp

The Island School

The Nature Conservancy – LEAF Program

Wildlife Conservation Society – Bridging the Gap

WBL Outreach

Digital Presentation for Administration

Digital Presentation for PTA & Students


COOP Brochure

WBL Final Proposal



CTE Internship Application Best Practices 9-17-2014

CTE Internship Application Checklist 9-16-14

WBLRC SY 2014-15 Wk Pay Sch Schl Edition

WBLRC 2014-15 Blank Timesheet v5

Internship Host Agreement – 9-15-14 v9

SIF 1 Parental Consent & Placement Information 9-16-2014

SIF 2 Training Plan -9-15-2014

Applicant Gateway Document


Other Documents:


WBL Definition and Elements

New York State WBL Manual 2013

NYS WBL Registration Form

Resource Web Sites:

NYC DOE WBL Resource Center

NYS DOL: Child Labor

NYS DOL: Laws Governing the Employment of Minors

NYS DOL: Permitted Working Hours for Minors

NYS DOL: State Prohibited Occupations

NYS DOL: NYS Child Labor Law vs. Federal Law

NYS DOL: Parent/Guardian Statement of Consent Form for work between 10p and 12a

US DOL: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)


US DOL: Child Labor Rules Advisor

Minimum Wages

NIOSH – Youth Work: Talking Safety

US DOL: Youth Rules! Preparing the  21st  Century Workforce


ACTE Resources!!!


NYSED WBL Programs

NYC DOE College and Career Readiness


Albany High School WBL CTE

Virtual WBL 2014 Class Site

Civic Scientist Environmental Monitoring of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary

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