Tag Archives: New York Harbor School


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You’re cordially invited to attend our 4th annual Science Symposium at the New York Harbor School on May 13 starting at 12pm. Experience cutting edge science from our very own Marine Biology Research Scholars and our special guest Dr. Michael Judge, Biology chairperson at Manhattan College. Dr. Judge will be sharing his journey to a science career and talk about his latest research in gastropod community ecology. Also presenting are our first and second place winners at the NYC Science and Engineering Fair, Nicolle Martinez and Tahirah Abdo. Go New York Harbor School science!

New York Harbor School: College AND Career Ready!

Marine Biology Research scholars Nicolle and Tahirah
Marine Biology Research scholars Nicolle and Tahirah

Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Work-Based Learning at the New York Harbor School has just raised the bar! Marine Biology Research (MBRP) scholars Nicolle Martinez and Tahirah Abdo will be graduating with 8 SUNY Albany research college credits, a CTE technical endorsement in Natural Resources Management, first and second awards at the NYC Science and Engineering Fair,  and attend Ivy league and top colleges with full scholarships! This is testimony to both team work, as their projects were supported by the whole MBRP team, and their own personal leadership and ambition. In total, our MBRP senior scholars have received to-date over USD 500, 000 in scholarships, have participated in internships around the city, presented at regional and national conferences, and worked with leading marine scientists to complete their research – all while leading research efforts to find solutions for the restoration of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary. Thank you to all our Professional Advisory Committee members, University & Industry Partners, the NY Harbor School Staff, the NY Harbor Foundation, and family members for all your support!

Finals Round at the American Museum of Natural History
Finals Round at the American Museum of Natural History

Field Testing Foldscopes in the Hudson River Estuary

Foldscope built by Jose Martinez, Marine Research Scholar.
Foldscope built by Jose Martinez, Marine Research Scholar.

Earlier this year, the Marine Biology Research Program was chosen as a Beta tester of the latest in microscope technology – the PrakashLab Foldscope – from Stanford University. 10th grade Marine Research Scholar, Jose Martinez, stepped up to the challenge of building and testing the scope. To prepare, he wrote down a comprehensive step-by-step guide to building the scope. After 45 minutes of work he was able to successfully project an image of an amoeba on to a dark wall using the Foldscope and his cellular phone lamp. Jose is formulating a project to record all things microscopic associated to the Hudson River Estuary. For a great video on Foldscopes in Ted Talks click here and for more images of Jose’s work click here.

Marine Research Scholar Jose after building the Foldscope.
Marine Research Scholar Jose after building the Foldscope.


Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 Marine Biology Research Program!

Graduating Marine Research Scholar, Makayla with program instructor Mauricio González.
Graduating Marine Research Scholar, Makayla with program instructor Mauricio González.

Welcome scholars, guardians, industry partners, and friends to the 2014 – 2015 school year at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. This year we again have a lot to celebrate! Our Program, Marine Biology Research (MBRP), has been approved by the State of New York as an official Career and Technical Education (CTE)  Program of Study. After 3 years of intense work finishing our self-study, writing curricula, seeking out strategic industry partnerships, aligning instruction to Common Core, CDOS, and NYS standards, and shining during our external review, our 2014 marine research scholars graduated with the golden seal of CTE.

Below you’ll find a few documents you’ll need in order to be ready for this new and exciting year:

01. Marine Biology Science Research Combined Syllabus

02. MBRP Materials List

03. MBRP/SUNY Albany College Credit Policy & Procedures for 11th and 12th Graders

Although graduation indicates the start of summer and vacation for most, it gave the instructor, Mauricio González, the time to work on the marine science lab. All the recirculating systems were serviced and shelving units were installed to store all our science gear.
Although graduation indicates the start of summer and vacation for most, it gave the instructor, Mauricio González, time to work on the marine science lab. All the recirculating systems were serviced and shelving units were installed to store all our science gear.

2014 Harbor School Science Symposium

Makeda, Advanced Marine Research Scholar, at the New York Harbor School 3rd Annual Science Symposium
Makeda, Advanced Marine Research Scholar, at the New York Harbor School’s 3rd Annual Science Symposium.

On May 15, more than 46 research projects went on display for the 3rd annual New York Harbor School Science Symposium. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Morawski from the NIH, said, “I was so happy to have been a part of it! You’ve got some great kids!” Parents, Staff,  Professional Advisory Committee members, Marine Research Scholars, and over 20 guests from the Netherlands came together to help make this symposium a success. Our school administration and Custodial staff provided key logistical support. Thanks a million! For more details, award winners, and images of the Symposium click here. For our Symposium Booklet with a summary of the projects click here: NYHS Symposium Program

Marine Genetics Research

Marine Research Scholars Cézanne, Pierre, Raphael, and Zain (not shown) at the 2014 UBP Symposium.
Marine Research Scholars Cézanne, Pierre, Raphael, and Zain (not shown) at the 2014 UBP Symposium.

Congratulations to our 10th grade Marine Research Genetics Scholars! On May 27th they presented their genetics project at the 2014 Urban Barcode Project Symposium hosted by the American Museum of Natural History. The team communicated their findings with molecular biologists from around NYC. Their project titled: “The Walrus and the Carpenter: Searching for Genetic Similarities and Differences between Wild and Native Populations of Crassostrea virginica” sought to determine if there have been any mutations in the Eastern Oyster’s mitochondrial DNA after its long history of selective breeding. Click here to read more.

2014 New York Harbor School Science Symposium


You’re cordially invited to attend our 3rd annual Science Symposium at the New York Harbor School on May 15 starting at 1pm. Experience cutting edge science from our very own Marine Research Scholars and our special guest, Dr. Peter Morawski, from the National Institute of Health. Dr. Morawski will be sharing his journey to a science career and talk about his latest research in molecular immunology. Stay tuned for more information. Go New York Harbor School science!