All posts by maougon

Mauricio Gonzalez studied Marine Biology in Colombia South America and worked on coral reef community ecology for 3 years before becoming a teacher in the NYC public school system. Because of his background, he understood the vital role of applied research in conservation. However, he’s also come to understand that research performed within the confines of exclusive institutions is limited in what it can accomplish. Therefore, to address the problems of environmental degradation he sought to expose underrepresented youth to STEM programs that he has created such the Schwartz Science and Urban Ecology programs in Harlem and the Marine Biology Research and Harbor SEALS programs on Governors Island. His programs have aimed to support and develop youth’s curiosity in the natural sciences through project formulation, management, and execution. By directly including our youth in the research process, science and it’s applications will have a far wider reach and make more meaningful contributions to our planet and, thus, to society.

2014 Harbor School Science Symposium

Makeda, Advanced Marine Research Scholar, at the New York Harbor School 3rd Annual Science Symposium
Makeda, Advanced Marine Research Scholar, at the New York Harbor School’s 3rd Annual Science Symposium.

On May 15, more than 46 research projects went on display for the 3rd annual New York Harbor School Science Symposium. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Morawski from the NIH, said, “I was so happy to have been a part of it! You’ve got some great kids!” Parents, Staff,  Professional Advisory Committee members, Marine Research Scholars, and over 20 guests from the Netherlands came together to help make this symposium a success. Our school administration and Custodial staff provided key logistical support. Thanks a million! For more details, award winners, and images of the Symposium click here. For our Symposium Booklet with a summary of the projects click here: NYHS Symposium Program

Marine Genetics Research

Marine Research Scholars Cézanne, Pierre, Raphael, and Zain (not shown) at the 2014 UBP Symposium.
Marine Research Scholars Cézanne, Pierre, Raphael, and Zain (not shown) at the 2014 UBP Symposium.

Congratulations to our 10th grade Marine Research Genetics Scholars! On May 27th they presented their genetics project at the 2014 Urban Barcode Project Symposium hosted by the American Museum of Natural History. The team communicated their findings with molecular biologists from around NYC. Their project titled: “The Walrus and the Carpenter: Searching for Genetic Similarities and Differences between Wild and Native Populations of Crassostrea virginica” sought to determine if there have been any mutations in the Eastern Oyster’s mitochondrial DNA after its long history of selective breeding. Click here to read more.

2014 New York Harbor School Science Symposium


You’re cordially invited to attend our 3rd annual Science Symposium at the New York Harbor School on May 15 starting at 1pm. Experience cutting edge science from our very own Marine Research Scholars and our special guest, Dr. Peter Morawski, from the National Institute of Health. Dr. Morawski will be sharing his journey to a science career and talk about his latest research in molecular immunology. Stay tuned for more information. Go New York Harbor School science!

New York Harbor School Science!

Pablo at the New York City
Pablo at the New York City Science and Engineering Fair, March 2nd, 2014

In 2014, for the first time in the history of the New York Harbor School, two of our senior marine research scholars were selected to compete in New York City’s most prestigious science and engineering competition – the New York City Science and Engineering Fair. On Sunday, March 2nd, CTE’s Marine Biology Research student Pablo Jimenez represented our school when he competed against the top research students around New York City. When asked what he liked most about the fair Pablo said, “it was a pleasure to get to speak to so many enthusiastic young science scholars.” The Finals will be held at the American Museum of Natural History later this March. A big shout out to Pablo for extending the Harbor School’s quality of science. Another shout out to the seniors of the Marine Biology Research Program for preparing Pablo for the presentation phase of his project. Also, thanks to the Aquaculture class for providing the oysters that Pablo used for experimentation. These oysters were unharmed and returned to their natural environment.

We've been able to ramp up our marine science project analyses using parametric statistics with our advanced research scholar, Pablo.
Marine Biology Research instructor Mauricio González and marine scholar Pablo Jiménez finalize a lesson on parametric statistics. Statistics are an important tool for analyzing research data and finding whether or not there are significant differences.

MBRP – Genetics, Remote Sensing, and Mycofoam

Our 10th grade marine research scholar, Zain, extracting DNA from a tissue sample of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica.
Our 10th grade marine research scholars Zain, Cézanne, Pierre, and Raphael extracted DNA from tissue samples of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica.

The Marine Biology Research Program has started 2014 with spunk. A select group of 10th grade marine research scholars are currently working on a project comparing the genetic differences between three eastern oyster groups – Muscungus Bay, Fishers Island, and wild type oysters from Soundview Park, Bronx. The importance of this project is to determine genetic similarities or differences caused by years of selective breeding. This project may also inform restoration efforts of the types of oysters that may best adapt to the Hudson River Estuary. Our 11th grade scholars are learning to configure and calibrate a professional water quality remote sensor to measure chlorophyll – an important environmental variable for oyster restoration. Lastly, a team of 10th and 11th grade scholars met last week with Ecovative scientist Sue Van Hook to brainstorm how to replace the use of Styrofoam with biodegradable foams made of fungus. Aside from these great projects, our young research scholars have been hard at work in our marine science lab to get the re-circulating systems up and running. We expect to have many exciting projects for this year’s Science Symposium in May. Thanks to Sam Janis from the Harbor Foundation, Pablo Garcia, long time field staff of the NY Harbor School, Pete Malinowski, NY Harbor School’s aquaculture teacher, and the Urban Barcode Project folks for their support.

Marine Biology Research 2013 Fall Semester in Review

...after a long day's fieldwork...
…after a long day’s fieldwork…

The 2013 Fall semester at the Marine Biology Research and Harbor SEALs Programs has been full of progress. Starting with the generous support of our scholars, we were able to move our lab to the Marine Science room in 3 days. On October 12 we set off to restore eel grass at Brooklyn Pier’s Park with our team leader, Nicolle. Continue reading Marine Biology Research 2013 Fall Semester in Review

Marine Biology Research – Geographic Information Systems

12 grader, Kendall, of the MBRP searches for optimal sites to install wind turbines in the US.
12 grader, Kendall, of the MBRP searches for optimal sites to install wind turbines in the US.

During their final year in the Marine Biology Research Program, 12th graders have the opportunity to learn Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With the support of industry professional, Jim Hall, and industry partner, ESRI, students are learning how to manage geographical data with the leading industry software, ArcGIS. Some of the applications learned thus far are locating optimal sites for renewable energies and using maps to find pollution sources. GIS is a powerful tool employed by all professions, especially Marine Biology. Whenever there is a “where” question, GIS is involved in the solution. Our next exciting activity will be geocaching. Geocaching is a hobby whereby Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are used to locate hidden objects around the world. Marine scholars will be searching for hidden objects around Governors Island. At the end of the school year, students will be eligible to take the SPACE GIS practical assessment developed by Digital Quest, another industry leader in GIS. This assessment will grant students certification in GIS. For more images and lesson resources click here.

12th grader, Makayla, using a map she assembled to find pollution sources dumping in a river.
12th grader, Makayla, uses a map she assembled to find pollution sources in a river.

Work-Based Learning: CONEDISON

MBRP scholars listening to a presentation on environmental management at CONED by Brian Brush.
MBRP scholars listening to a presentation on environmental management at CONED by Brian Brush, senior scientist.

The New York Harbor School’s Marine Biology Research Program provides Work-based learning (WBL) experiences to its students in the 10 through 12th grades. WBL gives our marine scholars opportunities to study complex subject matter as well as vital workplace skills in a hands-on environment. WBL experiences also provide students with career awareness, career options exploration, appropriate workplace skills development, and the opportunity to relate academic skills to real-life applications.

Some WBL activities appropriate for every grade level are: guest speaker visits to the classroom, career fairs, job site tours, job shadowing, work with professional mentors on research projects, and internships. Internships are considered the pinnacle of the WBL spectrum. As students see the connections between their lab/field work and what is required at the work site, they gain an understanding of the importance of learning and are able to make better decisions about their futures.

On May 4th and October 3rd our research scholars were invited to explore careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) with the Consolidated Edison Corporation of NY  (CONED) by their EHS manager, Michael Kessler. They had the opportunity to view several high-level professional presentations ranging from the running of the facilities to environmental management strategies. Our scholars were then given a tour of the facilities. The CONED team including Alexander Potulicki (engineer) and Brian Brush (senior scientist) showed great interest in continuing to support our scholars. For more images click here.

Over the summer, approximately 15 Marine scholars participated in internships with partners such as Manhattan College, The Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society, Roger Williams University, and Columbia University.

On Tuesday, November 5th (Election Day), Marine scholars will attend the 2nd Annual STEM Career Day organized by the Office of School Programs and Partnerships. Students will have the opportunity to visit STEM companies around the city and learn more about STEM career pathways. Click here for more information.

On Saturday, November 9th, Marine Scholars will attend the 2013 LEAF Green College and Career Fair organized by The Nature Conservancy. Scholars will have the opportunity to meet representatives from regional organizations, colleges and universities about opportunities for green programs, careers, scholarships and jobs. Click here for more information.

The MBRP Employability Skills Check List is a document that outlines many of the skills our scholars will graduate with from the Marine Biology Research Program that will be valuable in their professional careers.

Marine Research Introductory Projects 2013-2014

10th grade marine researchers celebrate the end of the Wind Racer challenge.
Class of ’16 marine researchers celebrate the end of the Wind Racer challenge.

The 10th grade Introductory Marine Research students have gotten off to a great start. In order to develop critical thinking and project management skills, the young scholars have completed the Scientific Method Stick and Wind Racer challenges. In addition, they have received instruction on keeping a research journal, research portfolio as well as how to manage digital data. They are now ready to embark on their next marine research chapter: Aquatic Ecology! Stay tuned for more great accomplishments and a short video of these future marine scientists!

Project Worksheets:

01. Wind Racer and Money Management

02. Scientific Method Stick

Welcome Marine Research Students, Guardians, and Partners!

11th Grade Marine Biology Researchers
Class of ’15 Marine Biology Researchers

Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 school year at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. We have a lot to celebrate! The Marine Biology Research Program and its research students have a new home this year. We’ve moved to the Marine Science room on the first floor. This space is being transformed so that we can perform all of our programmed activities. We’re also almost finished with our Self Study document. This document is required of all CTE programs by the New York State Education Department in order for students to receive CTE certification on their high school diplomas. Lastly, below you’ll find a few documents you’ll need in order to be ready for the Marine Biology Research Program. Wishing you all the best!

Marine Biology Research Syllabus:


Materials List:


SUNY Albany College Credit for 11th and 12th graders:
